Serenity Image For Stressing Less In April

How to stress less this April

Held every April, Stress Awareness month is held to raise awareness of the negative impact of stress. Whilst there is no single definition for stress, the most common explanation is physical, mental or emotional strain or tension. Not all stress is bad, but long-term stress can have harmful impacts on your physical and mental health.

We’re a big advocate for stressing less, which is why we’re giving you some tips on how to manage your stress levels.

Prioritise and organise

Easier said than done but, be strict with your boundaries! Work is work and life is life – make sure to schedule time for doing things for yourself. Prioritise your most important tasks and get these done earlier in the day. Delegate, delegate, delegate… if you don’t need to do it, find someone that can.

To Do List For Helping With Stress

Eat healthy

Your diet is important; reduce your sugar consumption to avoid energy crashes. Stimulants like nicotine and caffeine should be avoided. Keep hydrated and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Healthy Eating to help reduce stress

Get enough sleep

Get your sleep schedule sorted: have a bath, wind down, minimise screen time, talk about how you feel. Speaking of minimising screen time; have a digital detox! Can you make your bedroom a tech-free zone?

Sleep helps reduce stress

 Express gratitude

Write a gratitude letter. What are you grateful for? What did you take for granted and really appreciate? Even just writing down three positive experiences that have happened to you every day.

Look after your social wellbeing

Connect with people, check in with your support network. Ask for help if you need it, it’s okay not to be okay. Perform a random act of kindness, it’s nice to be nice.

Make time for self-care

Probably one of our favourites… be kind to yourself, take time out for self-care and exercise. Do things that bring joy to your life. Whether that be a big day out with friends or getting cosy on the sofa with a book and a candle lit.

Hideaway Home Fragrances helping with stress

Life is like the oxygen mask on the plane; put yours on first and you’ll be in a better position to help others.

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