Beat Plastic Pollution this World Environment Day

Beat Plastic Pollution this World Environment Day

At Hideaway Home Fragrance we care about the impact that we have on our environment and we want to help create a more sustainable future, which is why we take World Environment Day really seriously!

Taking place on 5th June every year, World Environment Day 2023 is a reminder that people’s actions around plastic pollution matters. The steps governments and businesses are taking to tackle plastic pollution are the consequence of this action.

Plastic Pollution

Did you know that we produce around 430 million tonnes of plastic a year?

Plastic pollution can have devastating impacts on our ecosystems and wildlife, our health and well-being and the global economy.

How did we get here? Between the 1970’s and the 1990’s, plastic waste tripled and then in the early 2000s, the amount of plastic waste we generated rose more in a single decade than it had in the previous 40 years!

So, where is all this plastic waste coming from?

  • Approximately 36% of all plastic produced is for packaging
  • More than 45 million kg of plastic enters the ocean from industrial fishing gear
  • About 60% of material made into clothing is plastic.
  • Laundry alone causes around 500,000 tonnes to be released into the ocean every year.

Example Of Plastic Pollution

Not only is plastic pollution seriously effecting the climate, it also effects human health too. Microplastics can enter the body through inhalation and absorption via the skin. Some of the chemicals in microplastics are associated with serious health impacts.

By shopping with us, you’re helping the environment too… we don’t use plastics in our candles, wax melts, diffusers or packaging!

Hideaway Home Fragrances Plastic Free Candles

Our candle tins and glass jars can also be reused or recycled once the wax has been used.

The wax in every product we make is sustainably sourced from the UK.

You can make the most of your guilt free, sustainable shopping by taking a look at our gorgeous new Botanical Wax Melt Snap Bars

Botanical Wax Melt Snap Bars From Hideaway Home Fragrances

And, you can now enjoy your candle for longer with our beautiful new seed toppers! Once you’ve finished with your candle, up-cycle your candle jar by planting your seeded topper and turn it into a beautiful plant.

Seeded Topper From Hideaway Home Fragrances

Other than shopping with us, there are many things that you can do. For inspiration, here are four things we can all do:

  • Clean a beach: if you live near the coast, you can join local beach clean-ups or start your own!
  • Clean a river: On a similar note, join a river clean-up or do your own.
  • Shop sustainably: Choose food with no plastic packaging, use a reusable bag and refill containers.
  • Dress sustainably: Ditch the fast fashion for more sustainable clothing lines or try vintage?

Plastic Clean Up Volunteers

What will you be doing to help #BeatPlasticPollution this year?

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